Live Action Big Joes
The Big Joe was created in the 1980’s by Joe Borgwart, an innovative musky angler that was way before his time. Over the years, the Big Joe had been responsible for many trophy fish on some of the most pressured waters in musky country. I was introduced to the Big Joe in the later 80’s and had immediate success. That success continues today. Musky Innovations purchased the company in 2015. We have and are using the original molds, we have redesigned the internal harness to upgrade it with today’s materials and have added some great colors. Big Joes can be used as a pull pause bait and a jigging bait. Try imparting the action with the reel instead of the rod. Make short burst of speed to make the Big Joe “jump” and belly flash then allowing it to go back to true. Fish often inhale the Big Joe telling you they think it is real.